Used Car Shopping Tips In A Tight Market
Vehicle shopping is harder now than in the past, but good deals on cars for sale in Port Elizabeth are still to be had. Check out these tips to avoid buyer’s remorse.

Whether or not to buy a vehicle is always a big decision. In fact, it’s often the largest purchase many people make before they buy a home. Beyond deciding if you should buy a car or not are decisions around what type of vehicle, new or used, how to pay for it, and if there are any extras worth considering. To make sure your purchase is as comfortable as sitting behind the wheel, base your final decision on your finances, not your emotions. Here’s how to make sure you don’t end up with a vehicle you can’t afford.
Ignore the hype
With big bucks on the line, make sure you base your buying decision on your budget, not on flashy promotions, add-ons, reports that dealerships will run out of cars, or reports of what’s hot and what’s not. Bestseller lists are currently not that accurate because many who want a specific new vehicle are playing a waiting game with delivery. And those fortunate enough to score their No. 1 vehicle of choice become the envy of their friends and family. Ignore what others are showing off on social media — this is the time to be selfish and make your choice all about what suits you and your lifestyle best.
Determine your budget
Before you begin shopping, determine how much you can afford to spend on a vehicle. If you’re considering taking on financing, think about how much you need to pay down initially to end up with payments you can afford. This is an important question to ask yourself before you arrive at the dealer, where a loan will be suited to your needs by extending the amortization. An online loan calculator can help you figure this out, but ask your bank or credit union for a pre-approval. Your budget will influence whether a new vehicle makes sense, or if buying a good pre-owned car or truck would be better. By getting financing information before setting foot on a car lot, you’ll be able to shop within your price range.
There is much less room this year to negotiate a more attractive purchase price for a car because the demand for new, and subsequently used, vehicles is far greater than the supply. Dealerships can afford to wait for a buyer who is willing to pay full price. In addition, the qualifying criteria for the ultra-attractive zero-per-cent interest financing offers for up to seven years have become tighter.
Beyond the initial purchase price of the vehicle, factor maintenance and repair costs into your budget. A good rule of thumb is to budget R750 per tank of fuel for these expenses.
Hidden Maintenance Costs When Buying a New Car
Insurance costs vary from one vehicle to the next. Once you have an idea of which vehicle you’d like to buy, ask an insurance agent for a cost estimate. Imported vehicles and trucks and SUVs with four-wheel drive tend to have higher insurance premiums than domestic vehicles that aren’t designed for off-road use.
Also think about where the vehicle will be parked when you’re not using it. Do you have to budget for pay parking at work or a monthly pass for parking in your home neighbourhood? These costs add up and can blow your budget if they’re not accounted for.
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How to narrow your search
Thanks to robust online auto sales listings, it’s possible to start your search for a car or truck from the comfort of your home. Scan through online listings to get an idea about which vehicles you might want to take a closer look at. Review vehicle specifications on manufacturer websites and look for online reviews from owners about reliability, known maintenance or repair issues, fuel economy, and price comparisons.
Next, think about how you plan to use the vehicle that you want to buy. Will it suit your needs? There are comparison and review websites to help buyers take a closer look at the features of the vehicles they’re interested in. Try to gauge the type of driving you to plan to do. For instance, if only five per cent of your driving time will be on a gravel road to your annual family camping trip, base your shopping choices on what you’ll primarily use it for the other 95 per cent of the time. Conversely, if you’re an avid adventurer who needs to pack along a bicycle, paddleboard, skis or hiking gear at any minute, choosing a vehicle that matches your outdoor lifestyle will be essential.
How You Drive Might be Putting You Into Debt
How you view your vehicle will have an impact on how much you spend. For some, their vehicle is their pride and joy. They spend extra on customizing it and delight in all the bells and whistles. Their pride of ownership is evident in the way they care for their ride. For others, a vehicle takes them from A to B. As long as it’s reliable, economical and comfortable enough to drive, their criteria have been met.
If you need a vehicle sooner than later, restrict your search to vehicles that are currently available. Many electric vehicles and a number of popular cars and trucks are on backorder and may not be available until next year.
Learn how to play the game
Shopping for a car is a lot of work, and when you’re up against the pros, it’s easy to fall for their tricks. To remain in control of your buying, take it one step at a time. When arriving at the car lot, ask to see only cars for sale in your price range. Don’t discuss financing or if you have a trade-in until you’ve got a firm price on a vehicle you might want to buy.
Once you’ve narrowed down your search to a potential purchase, the real deal-making starts. Contrary to what many believe, it doesn’t take place on the showroom floor; the finance office is where the rubber hits the road. Financing, extended warranty, maintenance packages, trade-in values, tire/paint/undercoat protection, and the bottom line on the price of the contract are all negotiated away from other buyers. Bring a friend along for moral support if you need it, and stick to what you can afford to avoid getting stung with buyer’s remorse. Be prepared to walk away if you can’t negotiate what you need and want. Ultimately, that’s the most powerful negotiation tactic — and it’s all yours right up until the point when you sign the sales agreement.
Be careful buying used in this hot pre-owned market
Due to the unprecedented demand for used cars, used car sellers are having an easier time unloading lemons and vehicles with hidden repair needs. And if you are planning to buy privately, be extra cautious about who you’re buying from. Ask to see the receipts and work orders and scrutinize them carefully. Look to see that routine maintenance was done. Check that work was done according to the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule and if any recalls were attended to. Verify the sales history of the vehicle to see if it came from another jurisdiction and that it hasn’t been in any serious accidents. If you’re buying from a used car lot, check online reviews for that business.
You may even want to take any used vehicle you’re thinking about buying to an independent, licensed mechanic to have it checked over. They will provide you with a report that will identify any areas that require your attention. Depending on what the concerns are, you might be best off to keep shopping. Or you can use the report to negotiate a better price if there’s work you’re willing to have done.
The bottom line on shopping for a new or used vehicle
The biggest drop in value that a new car faces is in the first several years after it’s driven off the lot. Savvy buyers let someone else pay for that drop by only buying a quality used vehicle rather than a brand new set of wheels. Fall is typically car clearing season as dealers make room for the next years’ models. But a car is a depreciating asset. Make sure that the one you buy doesn’t clean out your bank account. With car loans and transportation costs eating up as much as 30 or 40 per cent of household budgets, buying used helps you not drive away your tuition, travel or retirement funds.
Article from Tenacious Used Cars